Travel services worldwide

Welcome to Travel Rating and Review Community

On this page you will find a lot of useful information related to the general tourism industry and travel. We present opinions on hotels, motels and campsites scattered around the world. When we collect opinions and create reviews about places and tourist services, we are guided by integrity and attention to detail. Our website users ensure that the data is current and consistent with reality. We encourage you to participate in the partner program of our site.

If you are wealthy and need luxury and special offers related to staying in a hotel for the night and during your trip - look for special offers in the Hotels section
If you are less wealthy and do not require special extras but only a budget version of motels and hostels to spend a few nights - check the Budget Ins & Motels section.
Cheap accommodation and budget offer allows you to save time and money that you can spend on other pleasures during your stay.

More details can be found in the frequently asked questions section

Featured offers:


  • Camping Berlin
  • Economy Inn in Santa Rosa

    Update 2021:

    With the current situation in the world, we are slightly changing the profile of our website.

    Due to the fact that traveling is difficult and people who want to travel are not fully aware of the local restrictions and legal issues related to the coronavirus tarpaulin, we will try to constantly investigate the situation and report on local threats and methods related to safe travel to the place destination and return home.

    Our volunteers and system users will be able to report on a dynamically changing situation using a special application that we are currently working on.

    Our application is intended to help travelers and tour organizers about the epidemic situation that is taking place in various parts of the world.

    Initially, we will focus on North and South America, Australia and Europe.

    Over time, as our network of local communities grows, we will expand the territorial scope of our application.

    If you want to support our non-commercial project - please contact us via e-mail:


    We, the people we try to bring as many people to those sites as possible.

    We hope that the information we share in this section is helpful to you in your decisions regarding whether you want to buy a hotel, take a tour or just stay in one of those places.

    All the hotels and tour operators that we recommend here are also on our recommended hotels page and this information could be a great place to find out more about some of the hotels but they are obviously not owned or run by this website.

    The information is not always in a clear format and it can be hard to find all the information on our website for a place.

    As with all opinions, however, we are here to help you by adding to the information on this site. As you know, some things are more important than others. The information that is on this page might provide you with the information you are looking for. The information that was provided above will help you make more educated decisions, but you should understand that the decisions you make are not the only ones that you should make.

    We are here to give you the information, but our recommendations will not only make you look better, but will also help you make better decisions. If you would like a place to stay that is right for you and your family, please don't hesitate to call us at one of our offices in the countries you are visiting. Our office is located in United States.

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